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Base Web | Service Areas | Risk Management
Service Areas | Risk Management


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We support petroleum and industry related companies to understand their business risks, as well as to design plans to size and measure them, in other words, our risk management not only secure the business, but also improve it.

A) Risks identification and mitigation plans
Given the challenges and opportunities in the service sectors of exploration and production (upstream), processing, storage and transportation (midstream), refining and treatment (downstream), as well as other supplementary services in the oil field, and taking into account the changing regulatory environment, our firm provide assistance to our clients in managing their risks and optimizing their performance, through a deep understanding of the business risks in the entire petroleum value chain. We offer an early business risks identification and a development of mitigation plans, so our clients can fulfill their project objectives in time, cost and quality, and therefore, improve their competitive advantage.

For this purpose, we can carry out monitoring, control and business development, as well as strategic risks identification within the organization or hierarchical structure, so we can lead to a culture of prevention and results measurement, and an executive KPI system implementation for value generation.

B)Information Technology (IT) Security
We have ample experience enabling key improvements in business and operations management through the effective implementation of information technology. Besides, we can help our clients' IT area to measure, enable and improve IT effectiveness to increase overall performance, in order to rise total investment efficiency.
These services include optimization and consolidation of software and hardware, architecture solutions and IT security services.

C) Internal Control Services and COSO compliance
The oil and gas industry nature and global scale, as well as the labor and contractual relations complexity with governments, business partners, suppliers and other contractors, present unique challenges that need a substantial administrative approach to comply with anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws.

With stronger compliance requirements and greater scrutiny, in addition to the more demand on information transparency in operations, materials procurement and payments, today more than ever, oil and gas industry companies require assistance to address legal and regulatory issues successfully.

Our support services for the Compliance function in the oil and gas sector include the following:

1. To Perform suited strategies to the sector, such as
1.1. The Processes and Procedures Identification and Implementation, following high standards of Internal Control, Surveillance and Risk Management, using the COSO and ISO Framework applicable to the company sector and industry.

1.2. Management of the Risk Matrix by areas: operational, administrative, financial, internal control and corporative.

1.3. Manual of Policies, Processes and Procedures to comply with the Federal Law observance for the Prevention and Identification of Operations with Illicit Origin Resources (LFPIORPI) for all those activities that the Taxation Office (SAT) from the Mexican Treasury Department (SHCP) considers vulnerable for Money Laundering. Likewise, Training and Certification of this Compliance Officer Law. Besides, advice for Updating Activities on the “SAT” web for Prevention of Money Laundering.

2. To Develop Compliance Policies and Code of Conduct to prevent corruption and fraud cases
2.1. Best Corporate Governance Practices Implementation and/or Evaluation for companies and corporations in the Shareholders' Meetings, Boards of Directors and Board Support Committees (Audit, Investments, etc.). Likewise, Specific tutoring for Counselors in the Boards of Directors and training to Certificate them as Counselors.

3. To Establish and implement an efficient and independent system of complaints and investigation processes

4. To Provide Ethics & Compliance courses to directors and employees of the company, and

5. To Perform training and tutoring regarding Compliance Policies and Code of Conduct

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